As you expand your Federal Student Loan term debt restructuring lighter?


Need to extend the deadline for repayment of federal student loans?

Expand your period of repayment of the debt reduces the monthly payment rates, and perhaps even the return of interest rates easier and more convenient. This will also have additional funds for other necessities: rent, utility bills, food, etc.

What repayment options to extend the maturity of the debt?

Extended repayment plan

This plan may extend the deadline up to 25 yearsand may choose to repay a fixed amount each month or studies, which means that you pay the amount increases as your income. The requirement is that you have to pay $ 30,000 or more credits at the Federal Academy.

income-related repayment schedule

This is for borrowers who have a direct and PLUS loans are available. Your monthly repayment costs will be based on:

• Earnings per year
• the income of the spouse (if married)
• The size of your family
•The total amount of your debt college

Under this plan you pay like 25 years, and if after this time you have not been able to repay all debts, the balance will be allocated. The amount forgiven is considered income to pay income tax.

Income-based repayment plan

The rates of monthly payment will be based on your income for a period of financial difficulty. This plan may be repaid in 10 years and if you takecertain requirements for a certain period of time that the remaining debt can be canceled.

Debt Consolidation

An enlightened use of the borrower's consolidation as a means to extend the repayment of federal student loans. Repayment period can extend up to 30 years, and lower your monthly payment charges. If you consolidate when interest rates are low, you can lock in that lower rate, which is always go to your college debt are deleted.

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